English Lyrics and Chords

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1. God of all Ages Thou art the same
Jesus the Saviour, is Thy Name
Through all of time, in every clime
Thy Name brings hope and joy sublime.

2. Sing hosts of heaven, “Jesus reigns”,
Ring in the new Millennial strains
Timeless as ever the Saviour lives
Lift high His Cross, What pow’r He gives!

3. Oh what a Saviour is Jesus my Lord!
True and faithful, unchangeable friend,
He sets sin-ridden hearts a flame
Matchless in love, He’s ev’r the same.

4. Fill with Thyself Lord Jesus Christ
To wrestle in prayer for eternal souls,
Pleasing you ever doing Your will
Through paths unknown, You’ll lead us still.

5. God of all Ages walk ahead
In Thy footsteps we’ll safely tread,
Shouting Thy triumph through all
Earth’s storms,
‘Neath us are Thine everlasting arms.

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