English Lyrics and Chords

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1.O what a wonderful, wonderful
day, day I will never forget;
After I’d wandered in darkness
away, Jesus my Savior I met.
O what a tender, compassionate
friend, He met the need of my heart;
Shadows dispelling, with
joy I am telling, He made
all the darkness depart.

Heaven came down and glory
filled my soul,
When at the cross the Savior
made me whole;
My sins were washed away and
my night was turned to day,
Heaven came down and glory
filled my soul!

2.Now I’ve a hope that will surely
endure after the passing of time;
I have a future in heaven for sure
there in those mansions sublime.
And it’s because of that wonderful
day, when at the cross I believed;
Riches eternal and blessings supernal,
from His precious hand I received.

3.Heaven came down and glory
filled my soul,
When at the cross the Savior
made me whole;
My sins were washed away and
my night was turned to day,
Heaven came down and glory
filled my soul!

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