English Lyrics and Chords

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1. Fairest Lord Jesus,
Lord of all creation,
Jesus, of God and man the Son;
You will I cherish,
You will I honour,
You are my soul’s delight and crown.

2. Fair are the rivers,
Meadows and forests
Clothed in the fresh green robe of Spring;
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,
He makes the saddest heart to sing.

3. Fair is the sunrise,
Starlight and moonlight
Spreading their glory across the sky;
Jesus shines brighter,
Jesus shines clearer,
Than all the heavenly host on high.

4. All fairest beauty,
Heavenly and earthly,
Jesus, my Lord, in You I see;
None can be nearer,
Fairer or dearer,
Thank you, my Saviour, are to me

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